I am tucked away for a couple of days, working on what could be my best campaign ever, my flight left this morning at 6:25 am.( Not happy about that) but I just needed to get here get settled, and ready to go. My blackberry rings and its Maxwell, his voice is low and enticing, and don't forget the Caribbean accent. "Hi ", he says. Now for those of you who don't remember let me bring you up to speed quickly. I meet him in the Caribbean, about 2 years ago. He came to the states for me and his business and we had a wonderful, amazing courtship. He missed the sun, his culture and decides that we could be together if I moved. Let me see, no and hell no. I have a business, children and a home. I am not going to up root my children and life for no man UNLESS he is my husband. And then we would really have to discuss it.
Well Maxwell and I have this unspeakable chemistry I cannot explain it, and he gives the best kisses ever we talk via face time, Skype ,phone etc. It seems that we cannot let go of each other. So back to the call....
"Hey, how are you my friend," I said "I'm good, I am in the states for business. I thought I might see you. This trip came up quickly and I call your office and they said that you were away for 3 days", he said sounding disappointed. " Well you know that sometimes my work means travel and lots of it, I am so sorry that I will miss you"... I am picturing him standing before me 6"5, carmel skin, brown,yes and a smile to DIE for. "Well, maybe next time", he says, "Yeah I will be out your way in March", I said trying to lift his spirits a bit. " Ok honey, call me when you can" We say bye and I hang up.
To be honest with you guys, I think I love this man and if it was another time and space we would so be together but it is what it is. After arriving back to the hotel, tired, to much walking and a bit to much rum. I put my key in the door and tell my assistant I will see her in the am. I walk in my room, turn on the light and my room is full of flowers, flowers everywhere .. It is the most amazing thing that anyone has every done for me. I see a card on the table and it reads" There is nothing in this entire world that could keep me from a wonderful, brilliant ,courageous woman of quality like you" I am at a lost for words, I pick up the phone to call Sara, who I knew was acting funny and just like in the movies there is a knock at my door......
AHHHHH Maxwell:)
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